Lap it Up

For a very special edition of #TIDNTKIL, here’s a thing I don’t need to know my dog likes:

That’s right, a puppuccino: whipped goat’s milk and coconut cream, garnished with crushed liver bits and topped with a fresh gluten-free peanut butter dog biscuit.

I’ll know we’ve really hit rock bottom when Keurig starts making puppoccino K-cups.


I Am Watching

Anyone who knows me could predict that my unblinking eyes will be glued to the screen tomorrow watching Apple’s latest media event, this one shaping up to be one of their biggest in a long long time. Tim Cook’s proclamations of upcoming new product categories have teased us enough and it’s time for Apple to start cashing some of those proverbial checks that his mouth’s been writing. Can you tell I’m excited?

What I’m not excited about however, is my ridiculous penchant for all things Apple and yet another electronic device to distract and hoard my attention. A new iPhone is a foregone conclusion in my cache of technical wares but I’ve been wearing the same watch for almost ten years now – it isn’t exactly something I’ve been itching to replace. If Apple announces an iWatch that fulfills everything I want, well I am in trouble.

Even if it falls short, I am not certain I will have the fortitude to resist. After all, my current watch is almost ten years old! Let’s just hope whatever is announced is less than extraordinary.


The Harbingers of Autumn

In my neck of the woods, Labor Day has long marked the end of summer. But now, in the midst of the Great Coffee Comeback, purveyors of some of the nation’s favorite coffee and coffee accouterments now hold the responsibility of signaling the early start to fall. That’s right, there is no more substantial indicator that fall is near than the press releases announcing the return of the Pumpkin Spice latte (or ‘PSL’ as it is commonly referred) and the return of the pumpkin doughnut at Dunkin Donuts.

Ahh, the pumpkin doughnut, that pumpkinny sweet fried dough, glazed confection of autumnal perfection. Though I must confess that I am already familiar and enchanted with its sugary charms, I contend that it still qualifies as something I don’t need to know I like. Doughnuts aren’t a particular weakness of mine; I can easily down two faster than I can blink twice, but barely a bite into a third, I’m dizzy with sugar-induced queasiness. That said, two doughnuts in a blink isn’t exactly the healthiest snack and that’s why pumpkin doughnuts are my #TIDNTKIL nominee for the week.


A Cup that Knows What You’re Drinking

All throughout my life I’ve encountered really cool things, foods, ideas, or activities that are totally ridiculous in some way or another. In an effort to minimize the ridiculous in my life, I dub these “Things I Don’t Need to Know I Like” (or TIDNTKIL for short) and try with all my might to avoid introducing myself to them. What follows is just one example of one such thing.

A few weeks ago, I came across one of those “I just backed this you should too” tweets promoting Vessyl, a cup that magically knows what you pour into it and can track various metrics for you (including things like caffeine, calories, sugar, and protein according to The Verge).

This is exactly the type of gadget that can suck me in and, at $100 off the eventual retail price, the $99 pre-order is extremely tempting. Not to mention, it isn’t too bad to look at either. As of this writing, there are only three days left to get in on the pre-order so I think I’ll be able to weather this storm. But if you’re interested, head on over to the product site and check it out for yourself.